BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Wigan Events Guide - ECPv6.3.5//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Wigan Events Guide X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Wigan Events Guide REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20220327T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20221030T010000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20230326T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20231029T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20221222T200000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20221222T223000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20221219T130504Z LAST-MODIFIED:20221219T130504Z SUMMARY:Vinyl Vibes DESCRIPTION:Join us on the 4th Thursday of every month for Vinyl Vibes for our regular Bailiff Bar gathering for lovers of all things VINYL \nHost\, Haden Boardman\, will spin records across genres of a selected classic album. We encourage you to bring your favourite records\, LP or singles to play on the night! Or just head down and come relax with a pint in great company. \nThis month\, we’re doing something a little different\, instead of a classic album\, we’ll be bringing you a Classic 80s night with a mix of classic albums and classic singles form the classic pop decade! \n8-10.30 pm \, Free entry\, feel good. URL: LOCATION:The Old Courts\, Crawford Street\, Wigan\, WN1 1NG\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Live Music & Gigs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20230810T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20230810T220000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20230731T140744Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230731T140744Z SUMMARY:Unlocked : Original Music Showcase DESCRIPTION:Unlocked : Original Music Showcase presents 3 original artists live from The Holding Cell every 2nd Thursday of the month. \nHosted by Tommy Jones of Quaintest Show On Earth. \nFree entry\, no ticket required \nThe Holding Cell is in the Balliff Bar at the Old Courts. URL: LOCATION:The Old Courts\, Crawford Street\, Wigan\, WN1 1NG\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Free,Live Music & Gigs ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20231130T210000 DTSTAMP:20240508T091930 CREATED:20231010T133642Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231010T133642Z SUMMARY:Jack & Jill DESCRIPTION:Some very strange and disturbing events are causing concern to the good citizens of Nursery Rhyme land. Could Belladonna the evil witch be behind all the calamities which have occurred? And will Jack and Jill discover what she has hidden in the Magic Well? \nAll will be revealed when WLT’s annual funfest hits the stage! \nExpect song\, dance\, silliness and loads of laughter in the re telling of the old Nursery Rhyme favourite. \nAnd don’t forget to book early! \nMatinee Performances \n2nd/3rd and 9th/10th December at 2.15pm \n\n \n Tickets\n \n \n \n \n \n  URL: LOCATION:Wigan Little Theatre\, 44 Crompton St\, Wigan\, WN1 3SL\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Art & Culture & History,Family,Live Music & Gigs,Theatre & Film ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR